Dumped by Facebook

It seems Facebook don’t like my name “Fellephant Fellrunner” and as a consequence they have evicted me from their site. I can be contacted either on twitter (fellephant) or through a personal message to fellephant@fellephant.com

I may be being presumptuous in actually assuming people will want to contact me.

Film from Sierre – Zinal 2015 is in the making btw.

unnamed 5

Photo from Sierre – Zinal 2014 © fellephant2015.

Sumo v Ted

Footage taken on the scree section of Kirk Fell during Wasdale Show Fell Race 2015. The footage doesn’t really replicate just how steep this section of the race is.

My intention was to film lady fell runners for my latest vid (which in part I did), however Ted’s downhill running and Sumo’s fine efforts just had to be archived.

Ted won the race outright to become the British Open Fellrunners Association Champion 2015. Check out the BOFRA webpage HERE

Another notable achievement on the day was Darren Fishwicks completion of both Langdale Horseshoe Fell Race and Wasdale Show Fell Race. Maybe an achievement which could be called the ‘Daz Challenge.’ His own account of that can be found HERE

Hope you like the vid.
