Ten photographs by my brother-in-law Andrew Irwin. Click on an image to make it bigger.
Photographs © Andrew Irwin All Rights Reserved 2013.
1. Slippery When Wet.
2. Mark Birbeck (Horwich), Michael McLoughlin (Preston), Darren Fishwick (Chorley and Sandwiched), Thomas Irwin (Ochil Hill Runners) and John Rainford (Preston).
3. Victoria Wilkinson. 1st Lady.
4. The Climb Out.
5. Simon Bailey. 1st Man.
7. Slipstream 1.
8. Slipstream 2.
9. Spot The Moon.
Could I ask for your permission to use the photo ‘The Climb Out’ as title slide for some talks/presentations I am doing shortly to promote my book [http://itsahill.wordpress.com/2014/02/12/book-talks-schedule-details/]. It is a fantastic photo and has a nice resonance with the book/talk title. It will be credited to yourself as photography on the slide.
Not a problem Steve. Make sure you credit it to Andy Irwin though. I didn’t actually take it, I’m in the race. I’ve just rang him up (hes my brother in law) on your behalf and he’s OK with you using it. felly.
Geez Coney… looking back through your pics… you are half the man you used to be!!