Start & Finish x 10 photographs. Click on an image to make it bigger. Photographs © fellephant 2013. Images captured on a Leica D Lux 5.
Start & Finish x 10 photographs. Click on an image to make it bigger. Photographs © fellephant 2013. Images captured on a Leica D Lux 5.
Hi Fellephant. Great photo’s as ever. Do you mind if I use one of these on the Pennine blog if I credit you?
No worries Stefan, more than happy for you to use it. f.
Hi Mark
Super photographs Mark. As ever your eye captures moments in the most original of ways. Fab compositions and editing.
Must hook some time dude. Keep in touch y’hear! I got projects for you to film/photograph : )
Thanks for the comments Dude. Yes we need to hook up. I’m racing in Kettlewell this Saturday if you fancy watching some maniacs run up a fell. M aka f.
I’ll see what I can do. Got quite a bit on for the weekend. Either way, N-joy, and break a leg.
Catch up soon, maybe weekend of the 2nd / 3rd Nov. I’ll be near your gaff again for the second part of my game angling qualification.
I’m away that weekend P. Some other time for sure. Be good to come over to St Ives for a run when your ready. f.