B & W Photographs (Leica M240 camera plus 35mm Summilux f1.4 lens)

Here are 20 photographs taken over a one week period at Lingmell Dash, Ambleside Sports, Rydal Round and Farleton Knott. I have just purchased a camera which is mainly manual in its application and poses a few challenges, however this  is something which really appeals to me because it really makes me work for the photograph. Some of the photographs may look out of focus or blurred, this is mainly intentional. Click on the images to make them bigger. Hope you like them.


4 thoughts on “B & W Photographs (Leica M240 camera plus 35mm Summilux f1.4 lens)

  1. Hey Coney… I haven’t visited your blog for a bit, and on stopping by over breakfast this morning, you have made my day!
    Ta for the stunning pics 🙂

    • Glad you like them Rob. Thanks for the comment. Its really good to get feedback. See you in a few days at Sierre Zinal 🙂 where I’m bringing the camera. Coney (aka felly).

  2. Love the first one especially. It looks as though the runners are on a treadmill and are being forced to run to the top and back forever. Made me smile. Love black and white. It can be forgiving at times when colour doesn’t quite do it. Fell running is black and white with the odd bit of grey thrown in.

    • Cheers for the comment Steve. I guess the real reason for using B&W is because of what you have said about it being forgiving. It’s also a lot more dramatic and your right, fellrunning is black and white with the odd bit of grey thrown in. As it stands I’m only just getting to grips with the new camera. I appreciate that fill in flash etc could be used to enhance certain types of photographs like the portrait ones taken here. However, I was just happy to capture the moment.

      Next up maybe some scans from medium format film. Again in B&W, but with a slight twist. I’m just waiting for the negs to come back.


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