Lomography on the Fells

For the last couple of years I have taken an interest in Lomography, a photographic experience which leaves the fundamental rules of photography in the dustbin.

I have been using toy cameras, such as Holga, which produce very individual one-off images, not necessarily in focus or with much detail, but with light leaks, softened images, unpredictable compositions combined with the ability to do double and triple exposures on one negative (to be honest you can expose as many times as you want). Just point your camera and shoot, its a guessing game, so you just hope for the best……or worst.

I use medium format film and 35mm film in both colour, black and white, positive and negative. The negatives are scanned on an Epson photo scanner.

Digital photography combined with certain apps can create similar results to the photographs shown below (none of which have been altered from their original scanned state btw). A question could be asked as to why I would choose to go to the lengths I go to when  I could quite easily just use digital technology. To me though that’s like asking why I fell run when I can run on the road.

Anyway, see what you think of the images below. This is an on going project which will run side by side with the projects mentioned in my last blog entry. My intention is also to take old bellows and twin lens reflex cameras out onto the fells using old fashioned light meters to establish light readings and then apply those readings accordingly.

All photographs ©fellephant2014.

Enlarge the images by clicking on them

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