
1 – Fell Runner (disabled). I’m a member of both Achille Ratti and Horwich RMI. I work with fell runners who got me into the sport, namely Chris Seddon (formerly of Horwich) and Gordon Thompson (Preston Harriers).

2 – Photographer/film maker during injury. I don’t tend to photograph in the conventional way, what would be considered to be “the rules of photography.” I understand the rules, but don’t nesessarily go along with them. My shots inevitably may be slightly out of focus, busy, under/over exposed etc etc.

3 – My take on my own photography is that I do bad photographs really well. If I like a shot, I’ll shoot it. Sometimes just archiving the moment is good enough.

4 – I’m not prolific and may only take a handful of photographs at any one event. I sometimes give my photographs away and don’t charge for them, which means I’m in no ones pocket. I have the freedom to do what I want when I want, which I think really helps from a creative perspectave.

5 – I’m a drummer and spend a lot of time surrounded by music. My family are musicians and are also very much into photography.

6 – During 2018/19 my intention is to take photographs only with my Leica M240 (plus film Leica M6) & 90mm lens. This will prove to be more than challenging because both are not considered to be associated with sports photography. Well thats what Ive been told by authority anyway.

7 – Hope you like my films/photographs. They are made for the runners and anyone else   who may appreciate them.

8 – I can be contacted at fellephant@fellephant.com

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