Dumped by Facebook

It seems Facebook don’t like my name “Fellephant Fellrunner” and as a consequence they have evicted me from their site. I can be contacted either on twitter (fellephant) or through a personal message to fellephant@fellephant.com

I may be being presumptuous in actually assuming people will want to contact me.

Film from Sierre – Zinal 2015 is in the making btw.

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Photo from Sierre – Zinal 2014 © fellephant2015.

Sumo v Ted

Footage taken on the scree section of Kirk Fell during Wasdale Show Fell Race 2015. The footage doesn’t really replicate just how steep this section of the race is.

My intention was to film lady fell runners for my latest vid (which in part I did), however Ted’s downhill running and Sumo’s fine efforts just had to be archived.

Ted won the race outright to become the British Open Fellrunners Association Champion 2015. Check out the BOFRA webpage HERE

Another notable achievement on the day was Darren Fishwicks completion of both Langdale Horseshoe Fell Race and Wasdale Show Fell Race. Maybe an achievement which could be called the ‘Daz Challenge.’ His own account of that can be found HERE

Hope you like the vid.


A Project

My father gave me a rack of old cameras and camera accesories a while back, some dating back to the 50s and earlier. Some were in need of a wee bit of a refurb, but with a little help from a camera specialist I’ve been able to bring them back to their former glory.

Below, a Kodak Retina Two rangefinder camera 1954-1956, with accesories including a 35mm, 50mm & 90mm lens.

Click on any of the four images below to enlarge them.

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My father also gave me some unused films to go with the cameras. These are slightly out of date, as you can see below. December 1956 takes some beating.

films edit

Digital photography has come on in leaps and bounds this last few years. My own preference has been to opt into using Leica digital cameras, namely the D Lux series, V Lux series and the Leica full frame Leica M. I’ve also invested in a Canon G16 specifically for use of video.

I’m keenly into both formats of film and digital photography, however I really like the idea of accumulating negative and positive images from fell races with my collection of film cameras and doing something with the outcome. Taking prints from them and maybe showing them at a race. Who knows?


Photo © Andrew Irwin 2014

My own opinion regarding film is that it makes me wait more for the photo and work more for the shot. A 36 film could possibly last me 4 or 5 races (if I’m that way out). With digital it’s a different story, I become a lazy photographer. Although the potential for photographing every runner is there, the quality of the outcome is questionable.

Anyway, see you on the fells with old film cameras in hands.


P.S. Friend at work gave me this yesterday. Same friend got me into fell running. Some things money can’t buy.


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Fell Racing Shorts

Here is my mate Andy Holden’s latest film, and I think it’s brilliant.

My favourite shot starts at 3.35.

Andy has been collecting film footage for a while now and has put it all together for his latest film.

I’m the fat fell runner in red running for Horwich btw.


P.S. Ted Mason is a descending guru in my opinion. Having double jointed ankles does have its benefits in that particular field.


Moorland Winter Fell Running Uncut

This film is slightly different from the one I put on my blog/Twitter earlier this year in February. However, this is the original and I’ve decided to go live with it (2nd December 2014). The reason I decided to edit this version originally was because it has lighting issues which affect the picture quality on some of the scenes. Anyway, to my fell running friends, it’s another version and bollocks to the lighting issues. Looks like I titled it differently as well.

Hope you like it in some way.
